Font Sizes Different - Link different than text

I set my font size some time ago, but some how with changes my linked font size is smaller than the rest in a post for example. I have tried changing it numerous times but it still seems to not budge....
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Latest By Support Team

27 October 2016

Started 26 October 2016 by miraclesone

does themler support first-letter styling

I would like to add styling for ::first-letter for a heading. does Themler support this, or do I need to add it into the custom css?
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Latest By Support Team

12 July 2016

Started 12 July 2016 by Marcus Anderson

Wordpress - Links from Startpage to pages

Hello how can I link from the theme frontpage (text and pictures) to various pages ? Thanks a lot ! Best regards Beat
8 Replies
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Latest By BeatM

23 June 2016

Started 23 June 2016 by BeatM

how to color individually - each letter in a text or header a different color?

Hello Im trying to make a multicolored text and header. I can color the who lot one color. However I cant seem to do one by one. So a word like web would have a red W and a blue E and a Green B. I...
3 Replies
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Latest By Stagger Lee

22 June 2016

Started 20 June 2016 by lavisbre

animate text in slider

How can i animate a text in a slide
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Latest By Support Team

14 June 2016

Started 11 June 2016 by arawolf

Add "effects" to text instead of container?

Hello, new Themler user here. I'm trying to add a shadow to some text. But the shadow is applied to the CONTAINER of the text (I get a shadow on the invisible box surrounding the text) instead of...
2 Replies
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Latest By christianwheel

12 June 2016

Started 11 June 2016 by christianwheel

Shortcode in Footer Text

HI. I had to delete the footer text in a wordpress theme designed in Themler. I added a regular text box for the copyright in the footer to replace the "Copyright. Billion Themes" one. What I am...
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Latest By Support Team

06 June 2016

Started 03 June 2016 by bernd7

Make text size responsive in % to the screen size

Hi there Is it possible to make the text size in % to the screen size? It is possible to do this with pictures - is there a way with text? I don't mean from changing the text size from dektop to...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 April 2016

Started 06 April 2016 by ben_daniels

Creating different views for devices

Hi, Thanks for answering my previous questions. I have another question: Let's say I want to have the same header text in my homepage appear in different font sizes when viewed by my visitors on...
2 Replies
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Latest By moses.shohet

29 March 2016

Started 29 March 2016 by moses.shohet

Space bewteen verticle Text controls

When I add multiple 'Text' boxes to a 'Container' like a 'Column' there is vertical space between the Text' boxes. How can I effect/eliminate this space? Notice the vertical space between 'Click...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

18 February 2016

Started 14 February 2016 by jimschor

Text is overlapped

Hello, I am trying to put four texts at the four corners of this container - and I tryed with inserting "Absolute box"...
4 Replies
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Latest By Stagger Lee

23 December 2015

Started 13 December 2015 by ABI WEB DESIGN

Change text in Wordpress backend

Hi, Just made a new Wordpress theme. But when I changed the text in a page (Wordpress backend) nothing changed? I used the text control in when I build the theme. When I use a widget control it work...
9 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

04 December 2015

Started 20 November 2014 by anneke

Slider makes text pulse (Joomla)

Hi There, Been working on a site , and the slider seems to make the text in the other module positions pulse thinner and thicker with the slider animation? This appears to only...
2 Replies
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Latest By tmadmin

01 June 2015

Started 28 May 2015 by tmadmin