buttons half in a slider

a client of me want to have the 5 squares under the slider replaced half in the slider (attach 2) How can i do these.
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Latest By Support Team

22 December 2016

Started 15 December 2016 by arawolf

Slider "Tab" not showing when slider in column

Hi there when I create a slider inside a column the tab "slider" at the top of the screen to set all the options is not showing. I know as a work around you can right click on slider then click on...
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Latest By Support Team

12 April 2016

Started 10 March 2016 by ben_daniels

slider + colums v256

I can't edit columns in slider (v256). I insert slider -> then layout container -> and then columns in the container. Columns are inserted, but when I click to them - columns options is not visible...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

05 April 2016

Started 04 April 2016 by namit

Weird stuff, things gone

Disappearing controls, weird stuff and more... I have no idea why I get all these bugs but I tell you, is not funny. I just inserted a SLIDER and I get no SLIDERS controls when I select it, it says...
12 Replies
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Latest By Albin Klein

30 March 2016

Started 30 March 2016 by Albin Klein