How do I start with a fresh theme

I had designed a theme in using Joomla CMS and now I am starting a new theme for a completely different customer. When I create the new theme it still has the pages and content from the other theme....
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Latest By DaveOzric

17 October 2017

Started 20 June 2016 by musicalimage

As I work with multiple projects / sites using Themler on the same computer?

As I work with multiple projects / sites using Themler on the same computer? I installed the Themler on another computer that did not have anything yet. And I imported my project, this new...
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Latest By Support Team

09 November 2016

Started 01 November 2016 by Amilcar Botelho Rubim Junior

Different Sample Data

Hi I'm using Themler for Windows. If I change the sample data within a Joomla template that I have created (i.e. create menus, articles, page positions etc. within the sql database), presumably this...
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Latest By Support Team

31 May 2016

Started 31 May 2016 by david157

Old setting when starting a new WP project

Hi Themler Team As always I have tons of praises for you guys for developing this amazing software! I will never hold back my above the bar/par feedback for it. But as always all great things still...
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Latest By Support Team

05 May 2016

Started 24 April 2016 by ssharma