How to add custom CSS file in the template, where to make changes

Dear, I need to integrate Custom CSS file, like mystyle.css, where I can edit it through FTP client and make changes to my styles. I need to know how to do this.
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Latest By kostianev

24 December 2020

Started 24 December 2020 by kostianev

Question about smoothness of animations in Themler for Joomla

Hello, my question is, is there a way to make the animations smoother? My test setup is a content area that comes in from the right on page load with a delay of 1000ms. The problem is that the...
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24 January 2020

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Wordpress: How do i place the header UNDER the navigation?

Also how do I pull the title of the page into the header so that I can use that as a template instead of having to manually create a title for each of the pages? Thanks
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Latest By Support Team

26 October 2019

Started 24 October 2019 by mike119

Themler+Drupal 7 использование своих CSS и шаблоны

Можно ли использовать свои файлы стилей? Не писать в самом Themler стили, а подключить к теме свой файл CSS? Каким образом можно редактировать шаблоны страниц вручную а не посредством Themler, чтобы в...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

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Started 01 July 2018 by andreewalex

CSS for Responsive Margins

Hello, Where can I edit the following css field? @media (max-width: 767px) body { padding-right: 20px; padding-left: 20px;} I've been trying to find it in the UI forever, but I cant seem to...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

19 April 2016

Started 13 April 2016 by bsjelin

When I add custom bullets, I also get bullets appearig on my Widgetkit elements also.

Hi, When I add custom bullets in Themler, I also get bullets appearig on my all my elements that use the Widgetkit 2 extension. I do not get this when using other Themes. Is it possible to amend...
7 Replies
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25 February 2016

Started 30 August 2015 by Morpheus0101