Help learning Themler

Is there anyone in the forums who is an advanced Themler user (meaning you can comfortably make just about any type of site possible using Themler) who would be using to help me learn how to use this?...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

09 April 2018

Started 07 April 2016 by Dave


Здравствуйте! А у вас есть качественная документация, соответствующая последним обновлениям Themler? Дело в том, что у вас вся документация составлена для первых старых версий!!!
1 Reply
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Latest By Support Team

14 August 2017

Started 14 August 2017 by vv-camry

Download joomla document

Hello I would like to ask: where can I found the downlodable document for joomla? Or the document just online? Could anybody help me?
6 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By Vitaliy WD

24 May 2017

Started 19 May 2017 by Bubu.Gida2

To err or not to err – this is a question!

I’d like to know where I can find a complete documentation of Themler Pro Edition e.g. guides, tutorials etc. I’d like to point out that open source (for free) projects have a complete documentation....
12 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By Support Team

25 February 2017

Started 21 February 2017 by jacop

How about some documentation?

Spent $200 and all I get is a few speed videos. I assumed there would be proper documents showing me the basics, but no. If you're going to program software like this at least put together a pdf with...
14 Replies
11 Votes

Latest By rickacorrigan

30 December 2016

Started 25 August 2015 by rickacorrigan

A More detailed Documentation

Thanks for the great product. I however think documentation for themler is very limited in its current state. Can you please give us a PDF documentation in which all the controls, icons, features,...
2 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

21 February 2016

Started 21 February 2016 by enyonam

Documentation, where can I find an explanation of Canvas, Section, Block etc.

Hi, There is a lot of videos saying "how to do" which is good but where can I find specific documentation explaining what something is, what it does, when and how it used, I referring to items like...
2 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By admin.netbutik

20 February 2016

Started 17 February 2016 by admin.netbutik

Help us to improve our Documentation!

Hi everyone, We're working on improving our help documentation. If you are missing any information about Themler, BillionPhotos or BillionThemes in our documentation please let us know in this...
23 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By Stagger Lee

10 June 2015

Started 14 April 2015 by Olivia