Hello Themler Support,
I got the message "500 - icon::print_popup not found" on the blog post.
How to resolve this?
I saw that a user offered to open and save articles one by one.
I have hundreds...
In Joomla 3 I updated the template to the last version, then exported it and imported into a Joomla 4 environment.
Home page gives error 500 and if I go to edit template I have error "0 - Call...
Hi there,
I have upgraded/migrated a Joomla 3 site to Joomla 4, and wanted to start recreating a template for the website.
I installed a themler template I had functiooning on another Joomla 4...
Themler Beta for Joomla 4! work, but only if you do not activate multilinguale functions in Joomla4!
Any idea to become now templates converted for Joomla4! because support for Joomla 3.x.x ended...