When I want to change ONE thing in a text box, it changes everything!

When I want to change ONE thing in a text box, It changes all of the text that I DON'T want changed. I thought I could get around this by making every single thing a separate text box, but now it has...
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Latest By Support Team

07 December 2021

Started 05 December 2021 by wendy.rose.au

css figcaption font-size responsive

Hi, I have added css format for figcaption font-size in the custom css settings like attachment. Now I must set the font-size depending on the device i.e. smaller on tablet landscape, more smaller...
4 Replies
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Latest By Pitter

15 August 2019

Started 14 August 2019 by Pitter

Headline font size issue

Hello, Is it possible to change the size of the headline font? The font size of the headline is bigger when I hover the mouse over it. Any solutions, please? that is a Joomla theme. Thank you
15 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

16 March 2018

Started 01 March 2018 by cachou93

how to make text responsive

Please look at l03.etube.online I am struggling trying to make the text responsive so that it shrinks on a phone the text is in a container and ive been playing around with different % but cannot...
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Latest By Support Team

19 February 2017

Started 18 February 2017 by george36

Font size changes when I add a link to the text

When I add a link to text in a text box, the size of the font reduces significantly and I cannot change it back. Can you help?
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Latest By Support Team

16 February 2017

Started 15 February 2017 by simon98

Additional fonts responsive size wordpress

Hi there. On a website i build i got the fonts for the header as external fonts defined in the css. This works fine. The only thing i would like to do is to re-define the fontsize per mobile...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

18 January 2017

Started 18 January 2017 by bob52

Bullet List Text Size

How do I change the size of text in a bullet list? I have the post text size to 16px, but Themler is applying that to the bullets and not the...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

10 January 2017

Started 09 January 2017 by nonsectarianblues

Font Sizes Different - Link different than text

I set my font size some time ago, but some how with changes my linked font size is smaller than the rest in a post for example. I have tried changing it numerous times but it still seems to not budge....
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

27 October 2016

Started 26 October 2016 by miraclesone

Make text size responsive in % to the screen size

Hi there Is it possible to make the text size in % to the screen size? It is possible to do this with pictures - is there a way with text? I don't mean from changing the text size from dektop to...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 April 2016

Started 06 April 2016 by ben_daniels

Virtuemart Cart table not aligned

Hi, I have a misalignment of the € symbol when the fields of the "cart table" are full: the symbol goes on the second line. Is there a way to control the fields width? Seems I can't control the table...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

05 April 2016

Started 30 March 2016 by giancarlo

Creating different views for devices

Hi, Thanks for answering my previous questions. I have another question: Let's say I want to have the same header text in my homepage appear in different font sizes when viewed by my visitors on...
2 Replies
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Latest By moses.shohet

29 March 2016

Started 29 March 2016 by moses.shohet

Font Size EM unit keeps changing

Hi, Whenever I set a piece of text to use a font size of, let's say 1.4em, it reverts to 1em. As another example, when I set font size's to 1.6em, they revert to 2em. How can I use a custom...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

09 October 2015

Started 24 September 2015 by GbizIT

Размеры шрифтов в хедере

В Хедере создаю текстовый объект, добавляю текст, пытаюсь сделать его размеры побольше. Причем мне нужно сделать так чтобы одно слова было шрифтом размера больше, остальной текст чуть меньше. В...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

22 April 2014

Started 22 April 2014 by Завальный Сергей

Font size in Text Group Control

I'm working with Text Group Control. I want to change the font of the text, however, there is a limited amount of options: I can't type a new font value by myself - it doesn't save. Is there a way...
2 Replies
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Latest By Ellie

22 April 2014

Started 16 April 2014 by Ellie