Font size changes when I add a link to the text

When I add a link to text in a text box, the size of the font reduces significantly and I cannot change it back. Can you help?
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16 February 2017

Started 15 February 2017 by simon98

Font Sizes Different - Link different than text

I set my font size some time ago, but some how with changes my linked font size is smaller than the rest in a post for example. I have tried changing it numerous times but it still seems to not budge....
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27 October 2016

Started 26 October 2016 by miraclesone

Make text size responsive in % to the screen size

Hi there Is it possible to make the text size in % to the screen size? It is possible to do this with pictures - is there a way with text? I don't mean from changing the text size from dektop to...
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Started 06 April 2016 by ben_daniels

Creating different views for devices

Hi, Thanks for answering my previous questions. I have another question: Let's say I want to have the same header text in my homepage appear in different font sizes when viewed by my visitors on...
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29 March 2016

Started 29 March 2016 by moses.shohet