Hello, from today I have one very bad bug in my responsive / mobile menu in Android phones. When I click the mobile icon and my menu load, after the loading the half /50%/ background of the menu...
Здравствуйте! Возникла небольшая проблема. На устройствах с ios в мобильной версии не работает тап закрытия меню Off canvas, хотя на устройствах под управлением android всё работает исправно. Кнопка...
Dear Sir,
Can we get Horizontal Menu Off-Canvas Direction from Right to Left (RTL)? Right now it's coming from Left to Right (LTR) but some times I need it from Right to Left Flow. Is that possible,...
i want to create drupal 8 menu like menu in this website : http://valuebound.com/resources/blog/Views-Contextual-Filters-to-Display-Content-by-passing-Raw-value-from-URL-in-drupal-8
Hello Themler Team.
Thanks for all your great work!
I have a wish for future updates.
Please add an off-canvas menu, especially for the responsive menu modes.
Here is a clean example of that that...
You write:
Note: Joomla Module Position control cannot be inserted into the Header and Footer areas as it is restricted by the Joomla module functionality.
What you mean in detail with this? - Can...
Dear Sir,
Please kindly find the screenshot attached having some issue with Google Map height and width in Horizontal Menu under Off-Canvas Settings.
When we try to apply image style with width and...
Dear Sir,
We have more pages, menus, and submenus under our project. When we open in our mobile we are not getting any div scrolling vertically option. Is that achievable using...
we use the Off Canvas Menü in Mobile Mode. We use also the Action expand on click. The problem is if i have several submenues i cant slide/scroll down the site anymore, without the Menü regognize...
При использовании off-canvas menu становятся неактивными элементы управления в контенте (кнопки, спойлеры и т.д.). Для решения этой проблемы пришлось внести изменения в двух фалах. В...
can someone explain me step by step, how to create a off-canvas menu in Themler.
i had buy so many plugins and modules but no works very well. i am really frustrated.
i need really help.