Since updating to Themler v550 and 556 I have the problem that I only get an 'Error' message when I try to start Themler from the Joomla backend.
I then always have to change to PHP 7.4 first and can...
Do you know how to solve the problem with virtuemart + php8?? "Cannot use positional argument after named argument"
I just generated a template for virtuemart with themler, I have vituemart 4 and...
Hello. After enabling php8 for Wordpress, errors pop up on every Themler themed site. Adds a screen from the same page in the version of php7.4 and screen from the version of php8
An error appeared in the THEMLER template editor (ver 559) for JOOMLA 3.10.11 after switching to PHP 8.0 but only in the BLOG template. The webpage is running fine with no errors.
If I select the...
I am using wordpress 6.1.1. running with php8.1
I create a simple theme. When clicking "preview" I get this error.
ArgumentCountError thrown
Too few arguments to function...
Hello all,
unfortunately I can't change my Themler-Wordpress Theme to PHP 8, but the provider deactivates PHP 7.4 already on 14.11.22. Have already tried all your steps: new Themler Core, deactivate...
Where do I find the latest Themler version for Joomla 3.10.11 with PHP 8 support? Shall I use Themler for Joomla 4 for that?
I want to use my old Themler template after the upgrade. Is that...
Hello Themler team,
How is the support for PHP8 now, are you working on it? If not, why not?
And when can we expect Joomla 4 support? Some customers have already asked us why Joomla 4 is not yet...
Good day.
I see you haven't done anything since my submission to switch to php8 for Wordpress themes.
I am asking you once again to fix the bugs so that we can use php8
Pages crash...
Themler doesn't work with PHP 8.0 in Joomla 3!
"Your site is currently using PHP 7.4.25. This version of PHP has entered its “Security maintenance” phase since Sunday, 28 November 2021 and has...