Can you please make themler as a software not a browser program!

I still face slow problem with Themler, while i am working perfectly with Photoshop cs 6 with my present laptop (Acer Extensa 4630z, ram- 3gb ddr2, precessor- dual core 2.2 gh, hard disk 256gb (c...
7 Replies
6 Votes

Latest By Seppe

25 December 2017

Started 02 June 2016 by wpexpertinbd

Slow websites - is it in the Themler code?

Here is one example at This started sometime in that past couple weeks and sometimes won't load the page at all. Try it again in a couple minutes and it loads fast...
5 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By conor2

10 November 2017

Started 16 May 2017 by kheidemann

very slow loading

Why does it take so long for themler to load? It's not my Internet connection, I've tried to load themler at home and at work and it is so slow. I am trying to finish a layout in time for production...
19 Replies
9 Votes

Latest By Support Team

04 September 2017

Started 04 May 2015 by stolzmedia


Hi, Billionphotos is very very very slow the last 2 days. It is not workable at the moment. Please fix.
1 Reply
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Latest By Support Team

19 July 2017

Started 18 July 2017 by yormedia

The problem with downloading images -server - 15-20 min one picture

Hello, You have a problem with the server? Downloading photos from the server after 10-15min 100 photos descends all day Why download speed is limited? I write because it is a nuisance Yours and...
3 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By Support Team

26 September 2016

Started 25 September 2016 by jaroslaw.belchatow

Can you please make themler more faster!

Hello Dear, Can you please make it more faster, now it's take lot's of time to load & when I am working it response slowly. I am using desktop version but I see that it's working as a web...
7 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

08 August 2016

Started 28 October 2015 by wpexpertinbd

site slow since adding themler

Hi Team, I added themler to this site last week and it's now incredibly slow to load. Please help. Thanks
6 Replies
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Latest By DaveOzric

25 February 2016

Started 22 February 2016 by leora

Themler-code slows down website

Good morning Artisteer was a disaster voor CSS-code on Joomla-websites. On multiple websites you could hear the complaints, because it has to much css-code. Loadtime of a website was more or less 6...
3 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

07 October 2015

Started 28 September 2015 by Seppe

very slow

Delay opening, we need agility, has several comments about slow ... you have to fix that I'm already intediado and hey that's my first project.
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

04 June 2015

Started 01 June 2015 by editorweb1