Text Underlined Everywhere

All of my text is appearing underlined now, and I can't figure out why (I have checked the paragraph styles, etc). I've attached screenshots of an example of text that shouldn't be underlined but is...
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Latest By Support Team

31 May 2023

Started 21 January 2019 by Daxko

text formatting

I find when I change the text style for one block of text the change affects all text. There must be someway to edit text without globally affecting all text. Can someone please explain how to do...
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Latest By Support Team

04 July 2019

Started 22 June 2019 by erkbiz2

Is possible to stroke a text H1 T1 or any other?

I have a text as H1 in the main page pf a website that I need to highlight. Is there any way to stroke that text?
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Latest By DaveOzric

25 August 2017

Started 16 August 2017 by BlueTech

Remove White Space in Text

Hello, I have a text inside a container and I set it to block. Now I have the problem, that tehre is a white space between some words. How can I resolve this? Please help. See Screenshot
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Latest By Support Team

09 March 2017

Started 07 March 2017 by teodora.zaneva

Bad text formatting after update of 24 Dec

Hi, after the update the formatting of the text of my pages is broken... in wordpress i see good: But when i see the page on the website: How i can solve this? thanks.
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Latest By Support Team

11 April 2016

Started 05 January 2016 by carpentierigiovanni

Text Box issues when refreshing

I am having issues with a Theme i am working on. I put a text box in the footer of the theme. When i do an export or a refresh content the box looses all its formatting and i am unable to change the...
10 Replies
4 Votes

Latest By silvia_sigma

18 January 2016

Started 20 October 2015 by dbateman2214

Changing color on certain word in text

Hi I have a title on my homepage and I want to change the color only on one of the words in the title - http://www.awesomescreenshot.com/image/885123/9d3c6311c6c32d1d46ecf2f737166465 but when I mark...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 January 2016

Started 06 January 2016 by ABI WEB DESIGN