Show correct imaged of theme in "Themes" in cpanel?

I only see the template you get when you first install Themler in cpanel. How can I set the image of how it looks when the template is done?
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Latest By Support Team

09 March 2021

Started 01 January 2021 by dragana

Copy theme to new one, change the layout but thumbnail of theme remains the same

How can I force Themler to recreate the thumbnail of the theme that is shown in WordPress Themes?
2 Replies
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Latest By Janno Hordijk

19 December 2018

Started 14 December 2018 by Janno Hordijk

Woocommerce product detail - new update

Hi, when I click on thumbnail in Woocommerce product detail, it opens in self window. I'd like to display as in the previous version. What should I do with it? Thanks
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

28 April 2017

Started 27 April 2017 by milu.cernochova

What is happening with BillionThemes and BillionPhotos galleries?

Since some weeks ago, I noticed that a lot of the preview content is not displayed in the galleries grill until I access to any particular element. This looks like an internal server problem supplying...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

23 April 2016

Started 20 April 2016 by UrielG

Product thumbnail zoom on hover

Hi, When I open the Product detail page (woocommerce - wordpress) I see a big productimage with some productthumbnails below. They will open when clicking on the thumbnail. Is it possible to show...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

07 April 2016

Started 04 April 2016 by anneke

Add Thumbnails to Slider Control

Hello Themler Team. I would like to wish an addition of thumbnails in the slider control. I mean the small image thumbnails that can be under the slider, or in the right or left side of it, that show...
6 Replies
6 Votes

Latest By Stagger Lee

06 February 2016

Started 12 July 2015 by shaulhadar

Custom templates - Custom image sizes

Now when you added custom Page/Post/Archive templates (thank you for this, very unique), can you add for images in those templates to use custom image sizes (Wordpress). Even beginners now can easy...
17 Replies
19 Votes

Latest By Stagger Lee

22 January 2016

Started 10 April 2015 by Stagger Lee

Thumbnail of my theme

When I go to My Themes, it seems like the thumbnail of my theme is not quite correct. For instance, the image used in the theme is not shown. Here is a comparison of the thumbnail and my real...
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Latest By Support Team

06 May 2014

Started 18 April 2014 by Ellie