How stable is the Joomla 5 version?
ie. are there known bugs or issues I should be aware of?
I am a little reluctant to purchase an upgrade this time around, as I have been waiting a year for some...
Dear Themler Team,
Do you plan any updates or develop Themler in future? Or Themler will not be developing any more?
I'm asking because I build sites with Themler and I want to know something about...
I have adopted a WordPress Themler website but when editing I get the following errors
Warning: Declaration of WP_Export_Theme_Installer_Skin::feedback($string) should be compatible with...
Will there ever be new Themler updates - with new features?
Waiting for years now for new functionalities. But still no new features.
Maybe the Themler community can help?
Kind regards
Dear developers,
I have around 80 clients for which I use Themler as a template building software. Now that the LTR-Support for Joomla 3 ends in autumn 2023, I want to update my clients' pages to...
Hello, I have many websites with VirtueMart for eCommerce, and there is problem with options of the products. When 1 product have 2 - 3 or 4 options with different prices for every single option the...
As I understand it, the latest update for Artisteer was released in 2016 and this project is no longer being updated.
Also, the latest update for Themler was released in 2018 and this project is no...
Where can i download last months Themler as the template I have will not update correctly and keeps looping. I have a support ticket open but lost alot of time. Where can I download the Themler...
Dear Support Team,
Hope all of you are well. For a longtime we can not see any new update notice, even don't see any beta update. We can see many member daily arise many issue that need to be fixed...
Dear Madam/Sir
I am wondering about theme updates - especially for WordPress sites right now.
If we export a theme (with or without Themler) and import it into a WordPress install: does that theme...
I just bought this new software for auditing websites and it was fairly pricey. Check out this though. Such a nice thing to see.
This is only for a few few weeks. :)
Comprehensive Website Auditor...
HI Themler team,
No plans to update Themler after those years?
Of course there were some minor fixes for PHP8 etc. But it looks like a lot of people still have issues with those kind of bugs.
I know there is a menu-item for Documentation/Update Logs, but this doesn't contain information about all versions.
I would like to know what is changed before i update. Especialy to a beta...
Like already written in the headline: Themler still getting updates, or still NOT?
i just need HTML Sites (3 or 4) and was thinking about reactivating the license, but not sure.
who can answer this...