When going to the virtuemart category page in Joomla there is this error: 0 Cannot use positional argument after named argument
Joomla 3.10.11
PHP 8.0.x
Themler 559
How to solve?
Do you know how to solve the problem with virtuemart + php8?? "Cannot use positional argument after named argument"
I just generated a template for virtuemart with themler, I have vituemart 4 and...
Здравствуйте, сайт на Joomla 3.10.10, VirtueMart 4.0.2, PHP 8, шаблон Themler 550 выдаёт ошибки на странице категории товара и странице товара.
страница категории товара: 0 - Cannot use positional...
Joomla 4, Virtuemart 4, Themler 559, PHP 8.1
After entering the product category, I get the error: "500 - behavior::modal not found".
On the standard Joomla template it's ok, the problem is only in...
J'ai traduit le bouton "Ajouter au panier" dans la variable "COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_ADD_TO" c'est ok.
Comment changer le texte "added" apres avoir cliqué sur le bouton ?
Hello! I installed a VirtueMart plugin for a Joomla 4 site, but for some reason the category view doesn't want to appear. "500 - behavior:: modal not found." writes an error. Why can it be?
What I...