! Wordpress 6.4 update with Woocommerce - major issue!
It sounds like the latest WordPress update, version 6.4, might have thrown a wrench into the works, especially for users relying on Woocommerce...
Hi when can we expect a update of the Woocommerce templates?
We've waited a long time now. And paid the subsciption since. So, at least we can expect updates, right?
Kind regards,
Hello Themler Support Team,
I will add the widget woocommerce mini-cart to the site, but it is grey out, after an update from woocommerce.
They said, that the theme must be updated to use the...
Шаблон Thelmer'а для WooCommerce.
WordPress 4.5.1
WooCommerce 2.5.5
Themler v.292
В объекте CartLink не переведены слова Cart, Total на русский язык.
Имеется в виду, не в меню темлера, а уже...
After adding a product to the cart in Woocommerce, the product grid diverges
I noticed a problem with the layout after updating Woocommerce to the latest version. The problem with the theme occurs in...
Hi Themler support,
Are you planning to update the woocommerce templates in the near future?
Currently my Woocommerce shop has a lot of issuess with the themler theme (outdatet tempates, image...
Version 517 seems to working OK on Wordpress 5.7 but we need the templates updated for Woocommerce 5.
I've paid extra for the Woocommerce supported version of Themler so you guys really need to keep...