Hola a todos solo les dejo un código para que puedan habilitar y deshabilitar el zoom en woocommerce
.cloud-zoom-big, .cloud-zoom-lens, .cloud-zoom-tint, .cloud-zoom-soft...
Today, I realized that the layout of my pages changes when I zoom. I set up the page in 100% but when I take a look at my page in preview and zoom to e.g. 150% then the text moves outside...
Hello, i want know if is possible change the image zoom position in the virtuemart product, because appear in left or right side. i want put it like this SAMPLE exist some place to configurate it?
I like your solution for Google maps. No extra code at all, and all possible options Google gives are there to set.
Today with Bootstrap people more and more use Gmaps somewhere in the middle (often...
Hello, I am not able to find a option or the file where I can adjust the scale and scalable option for the templates. I do not want it total responsivness. I need the zoom option!
How can I realize...