Deleting home template

374 Posts
eleanor posted this 30 November 2016


I have recreated my home template because the original has an issue on it I can't resolve.

How do I delete the original home template so that my new one will take over?

Thank you

Hi I have recreated my home template because the original has an issue on it I can't resolve. How do I delete the original home template so that my new one will take over? Thank you
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 30 November 2016


The original Home template cannot be removed. However you may select your new template of Home type for the home page instead of the first one:
If you do not need to use both templates, just select the new template as "Home Template", see step 5:

BillionDigital Team

Hello, The original Home template cannot be removed. However you may select your new template of Home type for the home page instead of the first one: If you do not need to use both templates, just select the new template as "Home Template", see step 5: Sincerely, Nettie, BillionDigital Team
374 Posts
eleanor posted this 30 November 2016

Thank you

Thank you
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