Unable to access system fonts

16 Posts
stephaniemooney posted this 28 June 2018

Any time I click on System Font in any menu, it shows up as just the empty outline of a menu and I'm unable to select any of the fonts.


Any time I click on System Font in any menu, it shows up as just the empty outline of a menu and I'm unable to select any of the fonts. !Screen-Shot-2018-06-28-at-10.12.29-AM.png!
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 28 June 2018


Please check that the latest Flash Player version is installed on your computer.


Hi, Please check that the latest Flash Player version is installed on your computer. Sincerely, Hella
Vitaliy WD
490 Posts
Vitaliy WD posted this 28 June 2018


Please check that the latest Flash Player version is installed on your computer.


Themler requires Flash Player??? Seriously?

> Hi, > > Please check that the latest Flash Player version is installed on your computer. > > Sincerely, > Hella Themler requires Flash Player??? Seriously?
Support Team
Support Team posted this 28 June 2018


For System Fonts listing yes. Sorry for this inconvenience. If it is not allowed in a browser by default, it is needed to allow it manually when you run a theme - it may be necessary to do this several times until it is finally allowed, for example, in Firefox it works this way.

BillionDigital Team

Hello, For System Fonts listing yes. Sorry for this inconvenience. If it is not allowed in a browser by default, it is needed to allow it manually when you run a theme - it may be necessary to do this several times until it is finally allowed, for example, in Firefox it works this way. Sincerely, Nettie, BillionDigital Team
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