Product Slider

14 Posts
accalaidesign posted this 15 January 2019


I would like to know if it is possible through themler to insert a gallery that opens the images in lightbox and an informative slider of the various products of the customers.

thanks a lot

Hi, I would like to know if it is possible through themler to insert a gallery that opens the images in lightbox and an informative slider of the various products of the customers. thanks a lot
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 15 January 2019


Do you use Virtuemart? Themler uses standard VM behaviour for displaying product images, for images in the gallery Product Thumbnails control is responsible, the seleceted image becomes the big Product Image. We recommend you to open Themler for Virtuemart in Themler desktop, and there open Product Details template, to see with product examples how it works by default. Possibly it is what you are looking for.


Hello, Do you use Virtuemart? Themler uses standard VM behaviour for displaying product images, for images in the gallery Product Thumbnails control is responsible, the seleceted image becomes the big Product Image. We recommend you to open Themler for Virtuemart in Themler desktop, and there open Product Details template, to see with product examples how it works by default. Possibly it is what you are looking for. Sincerely, Nettie
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