"Edit template" button missing

7 Posts
krzysiek.stanejko posted this 08 April 2020

I have a problem with editing the template, which was built in Themler. I have 2 sites, both were created some time ago. Joomla was updated, I think from 3.6.5 or even earlier to 3.9.x. I needed to change something, but there is no "Edit template" button at all. I found some cases, where the button was inactive, but there was nothing about situation like this.
Help please ;)

Hello, I have a problem with editing the template, which was built in Themler. I have 2 sites, both were created some time ago. Joomla was updated, I think from 3.6.5 or even earlier to 3.9.x. I needed to change something, but there is no "Edit template" button at all. I found some cases, where the button was inactive, but there was nothing about situation like this. Help please ;)
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 08 April 2020


Can it be that the theme has been exported without Themler editor included and then installed? Also you may try to temporarily disable third-party plugins and clear cache.


Hello, Can it be that the theme has been exported without Themler editor included and then installed? Also you may try to temporarily disable third-party plugins and clear cache. Sincerely, Nettie
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