Image link overwrites image float

7 Posts
jeffrey.douglas.hayes posted this 01 November 2015

When assigning a link to an image, the float of the image no longer operates. That's because the image itself is embedded within the <a> tags and the link isn't taking on the float setting of the image. Nor is there any way to set the float on the link.</a>

When assigning a link to an image, the float of the image no longer operates. That's because the image itself is embedded within the &lt;a&gt; tags and the link isn&#39;t taking on the float setting of the image. Nor is there any way to set the float on the link.&lt;/a&gt;
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 05 November 2015


Thank you for the reporting this issue. I've forwarded it to our developers. We'll let you know when we receive any news from them.

Thank you,

Hi, Thank you for the reporting this issue. I've forwarded it to our developers. We'll let you know when we receive any news from them. Thank you, Olivia
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